Friday, February 22, 2019

Aiden’s Birth Story

Friday August 10th. Matt and I went on a date. Thinking perhaps this will be our last date night for a while. We headed to dinner at Cubbys.  10 minutes after we got there, I had what felt like Braxton Hicks. I didn’t think much of it. But as we started eating I had another. I mentioned to Matt that I’m having Braxton Hicks. (I’m only 38 weeks and I had my doctors appointment that morning and I was only dilated to a one. So I’m thinking here my body is just getting ready. And probably next week I’ll be going into labor)

We finished our dinner and headed to our movie. The movie being only 2 hours long, I remember only having 2-3 contractions. We finished our movie around 9. Picked up Ethan and headed home. It was around midnight when I was getting ready for bed and I had another contraction.( this time I did have a feeling I may be going into labor soon) 2 hours later I woke up to a stronger contraction. And at the same hour, Ethan was crying and Matt got up to grab him. As soon as he laid him on our bed, I told Matt I’m having contractions. We both laughed. He got up and He started getting our hospital bag ready (yup we were not prepared) and I started walking around the house to see if they’d go away. The more I walked around,the stronger my contractions were and 2-3 minutes apart. And every time I had a contraction my sweet Matthew would put pressure on my lower back bringing my hips together. That helped to ease my pain. I also kept thinking to myself this can’t be happening. “Am I really in labor? But I was only dilated to a 1 this morning!” 3 am came by quick and they were still 2-3 minutes apart. Matt was ready and he said we should head to the hospital. I was still in denial that I was really in labor, and I didn’t want to go in and be sent home. So I told him to wait a half hour and if they’re still consistent then we would head out. 3:30 came and I told Matt to wait another half hour haha. Well it was 4 o’clock and he insisted we go. And I finally said okay! We dropped off Ethan at my mother in laws.  I gave him a tight hug and kiss to my soon to be big brother/first baby and headed out. 
As soon as we did all that, and got to the hospital I started feeling a little shaky. So nervous! Not because of giving birth. But nervous meeting my next little love. It’s more like a blind date, but knowing 100% that you will love this human being haha 

When I got to the room and in my gown I was checked, I was dilated to a 4! This happened around 5am. Then I waited 40ish minutes for my epidural. Once I got that, it was just the waiting game.  It was just after 8am. I was sorta laying on my side. When all of a sudden I felt Aiden kick but at the same time I felt something pop down there. I knew immediately my water had broken. Matt was laying on the couch and I asked him to come and check if there was fluid/blood on the sheets.  When he saw there was, he went to call in the nurse. The nurse came in and checked and sure enough my water broke and I was dilated to a 10! Ready to push!  

The nurses and Doctors were all setting up to deliver him. And I was so excited! I got in the pushing position and pushed for 7 minutes and at 8:44 AM he came crying and put on my chest. Weighing 6lbs 4 oz. The feeling of seeing your baby, the little human you were caring for 9 months finally being laid on your chest is so hard to explain. Time really just stays still. I can have hundreds of babies and feel like that feeling will never get old. 
 And it’s true what people say, your heart just makes more room to love. I love Aiden SO much. As well as my Ethan. 

Recovery this time was a bit easier than the first time. But still dealt with the bleeding and cramping for a few weeks. My body is no longer the same before having babies, I love my new body and love what it’s done. Grow two human beings that I love with all my might and strength.  

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